Becoming a person who likes to cook.
I'm a culinary school drop out + private chef who didn't always love to cook. While studying Shakespearean acting in London, at a time when the US dollar was at an all-time low, I wound up spending more time trying to figure out how to save money by making my own simple stews and quick-rising breads than memorizing my lines. I quickly discovered that I derived greater pleasure from looking at stacks of walnut-speckled brownies and wheels of cheese from Borough Market than I did from taking a final bow at the end of a show.
Upon return to the states, my newfound love for cooking led to me fumbling my way (almost all the way… long story) through a culinary degree from LATTC and a slew of jobs as an assistant teaching cooking classes. In 2014 I decided it was time to experiment with combining my love of performance with my love of cooking and, after a little bit more fumbling, Yahoo agreed to air a cooking show I co-produced, directed, and hosted. Ever since, I've been both in front of and behind the camera, taking every opportunity I can to spread my enthusiasm for simple cooking and great food.
Also! I just wrote a book! Grab your copy below.